By: Katherine Booker, Executive Editor

Cierra Chinto poses with the shirt she made for the TCC Clothesline project.

The Clothesline Project at Tallahassee Community College is on display for the week of April 23-27 around the walkways near the Student Union and Library. The project was created as a service learning project for Professors Lauren Fletcher and Kelly Thayer’s ENC1102 classes. Student created shirts that either shared their personal stories of domestic violence or assault of any kind or to show their support for victims.

Other TCC students were welcomed to create their own shirt to hang alongside the ENC1102 classes’ shirts.

Chinto’s shirt said, “LOVE shouldn’t HURT, every 9 seconds in the US women are assaulted or beaten.”

Cierra Chinto created her shirt to raise awareness on violence against women and to raise awareness in the community. She said that it was not a personal story like some of the shirts on display, but to show support for victims.

“Share the love, spread the love and make a difference,” Chinto said.

Chinto’s shirt was decorated in red and black paint with the saying “LOVE shouldn’t HURT,” along with the statistic that “Every 9 seconds in the US women are assaulted or beaten.”






The project also has social media that students can follow for updates on the event or statistics on domestic violence and assault.

Follow them:

Twitter @Clothesline_TCC

Instagram: @tcc.clothesline

Facebook: Tcc Clothesline