Article by Asta Hemenway, Executive Editor

A Week in the Life of TCC in Photos was a project carried out by the Talon. Staff members produced a small, coffee table style photo book. The book features 25 photos total. There are 23 inside, one on the front cover and one on the back cover.

During the week of February 18-24, 2019, staff members took photos of Tallahassee Community College students on campus engaging in extracurriculars, homework, and student life in general.

This project spares a glimpse of TCC’s campus and students.

The three elements of photography, content, composition, and lightning all played a role in each of the photos taken by Talon staff members.

Talon staff member Stephen Fryson III produced six photos, the most produced by a staff member in the book.

“(The project) allowed me to explore new areas around campus and connect with different people,” Fryson said. “During the (assigned) week, I decided to set aside some time to walk around with my camera to see what looked interesting, and if it did I took pictures of it. The week in the Life of TCC was my favorite assignment this year.”

Talon Editor Asta Hemenway said she hopes students will purchase this book that demonstrates a fragment of student involvement at TCC.

“The Talon staff wanted to create a tangible representation of TCC in its everyday glory,” Hemenway said. “I encourage students to buy this book for a little piece of TCC to take with them as they grow and pursue their dreams.”

The book features several photos from the particular week. The gallery above features some of these photos.

The 20-page softcover book is available for purchase for $27.49 at

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