Brittany Anderson is a third-year TCC student who plans to study Studio Art.
Here are some of her drawings.
“The Golden One”
Mixed-Media. Pencil, Ink, and Photoshop. For this piece, I channeled my homesickness for Japan. I focused on using materials from Japan, for example, I used Kuretake Mica paste for the circles and Sumi-Ink for the eyes and shadows, as well as the fine lines on the Koi fish.
“The Twins”
Pencil and Photoshop. I wanted to try to create a piece using only grey tones. The Twins started out as an experiment as I tried to figure out a new art style. I mostly played with shapes highlights and shadows in Pencil and scanned the final piece into Photoshop to fix lines, adjust brightness/contrast as well as add depth to shadows.
“Mixed Emotions”
Canvas. Pencil and Ink. I called this piece Mixed-Emotions because it tells a tale of exactly that. I used this piece to let go of unwanted negative emotions. I look at her and see all the feelings and emotions I was trying to process while I was doing this project.