By Hannah Yoder
Many students at TCC have to not only maintain their college life but also keep up with the responsibility of a job. The Talon interviewed a few students to help give us some tips on how to balance both work and college.
What are three tips for balancing work and college?
“Manage your time, feel free to talk to your boss, and love what you are studying.” -Ashley Tain
“Have lots of focus, stay positive, and maintain persistence.” -Adriana Dennis
“On the days you don’t have work solely focus on your schoolwork, stay motivated, and remind yourself that what you are doing now will get you to where your future self needs to be.” -Nic Fernandez
“Don’t procrastinate, have a planner so you know when things are due and when you have work, and leave free time for yourself so you don’t get overwhelmed.” -Lexi Soltis
What has been your biggest struggle being a college student in the work force?
“Making sure that all my work has been turned in before work.” -Ashley Tain
“Not getting enough sleep, I stay up way too late for as early that I have to be up.” -Adriana Dennis
“Waking up for work at four in the morning after doing homework the night before.” -Nic Fernandez
“Not getting enough sleep. I normally procrastinate, so the night before an assignment is due I stay up late after work to do it.” -Lexi Soltis
What is one way you overcame this challenge?
“Talking to my manager about my schedule so it goes around my school work and deadlines.” -Ashley Tain
“Lately I have been setting alarms to make sure I am at least laying in bed by a certain time.” -Adriana Dennis
“Instead of waiting until night time to start my homework I tell myself to start working on it by at least 12:00 pm.” -Nic Fernandez
“I try to get assignments done on my days off even if it is not due the next day.” -Lexi Soltis
What is a perk to having a job while in college?
“Being able to have money to go out and do fun things” -Ashley Tain
“Learning responsibility and earning your own money” -Adriana Dennis
“Having money to make my car payments and being able to buy extra things.” -Nic Fernandez
“I have extra spending money and I can buy things that are not necessary but that I want. It also helps with future jobs.” -Lexi Soltis