By Dylan Spradlin

There are very few who can highlight and bring focus to an area that to most have become “Forgotten.” Tallahassee community college student Julia Tentzerakis, hailing all the way from Vancouver, Canada, has been struck by the beauty of Florida’s natural charms.

Previously hoping to enter the world of studio artwork, Julia has changed courses now pursuing a career in graphic design and web authoring. During her first year at TCC, Julia created four pieces that really catch the eye including a sculptor, a digitally created piece, and a couple of stunning photos.

“Forgotten Coast Treasures”

“This sculpture is created with found items from the Forgotten Coast beach near Lanark, Florida, just south of Tallahassee,” Julia wrote. “ The items include shells, bark, driftwood, and a palm frond; they were glued to Bristol board and painted an ethereal phthalo blue, the color of a moving ocean in sunlight. The piece was then framed in a floating wooden black box.”

“No Vacancy”

“This photo was taken beside the St. Mark’s Lighthouse, south of Tallahassee. It was an overcast day and I liked how the cars were parked neatly in a row along the coastline, with the palm trees swaying behind them,” Julia observed. “ Interestingly, the vehicle in the middle is facing the land (and the camera), while all the other vehicles parked on either side are all facing the ocean.”

“Honoring Rosa Parks”

“This piece was meant to honor Rosa Parks and her legacy of standing up for equal rights and freedom,” Julia explained. “ Her strength and message are still powerful and meaningful today. I sourced the design from an original photo taken of Ms. Parks in the mid‐20th century. “

“Lost on the Forgotten Coast”

“I took it just before sunset on the long, narrow dock in front of a group of condominiums just outside of Lanark, Florida. I stayed here in the winter of 2020, prior to attending TCC and the view of the ocean was awe-inspiring,” Julia said. “ None of the photos I took with my cell phone really captured it well; it wasn’t until I took Professor Julie Baroody’s photography course that I invested in a good camera and was able to capture the essence of this peaceful part of Northern Florida. This course made me fall in love with photography.”

If you would like your art to be considered for the TCC Talon Artist Spotlight, click the link below.