This is the second segment of TCC talent thoughts, hosted by Luisa Miller and featuring Ryan Preatto, TCC Director of Student Services.  In this episode, they talk about TCC’s collaboration with United Way of the Big Bend’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA), and how they’re providing students with tax assistance to file their taxes this tax season. Below is the Q+A between the host and guest.

How is it helpful for students to gain financial literacy?

Ryan Preatto: Oh, it’s it’s very helpful, especially for those students who are now entering in the workforce. This may be their first time having a job and now it kind of exposes them to understanding the process behind filing your taxes.

How can students majoring in Business and Accounting benefit from  this event?

RP: First, they can volunteer which is hands on experience, you know, you want to have that practical experience with someone who’s, of course, probably an expert in in tax preparation, but it’s the hands on steps experience that you can’t get from a textbook.

What is VITA?

RP: VITA is a volunteer… volunteer program where you’re able to learn is a free service for students and sometimes even people in the community to get tax assistance.

Is the event open to TCC staff?

RP: From my understanding is available to TCC staff, students and I believe even maybe the community.