By Dylan Spradlin

Art can be found anywhere, and an artist is in everyone. Today we showcase a new artist, Jiwoon Lee, coming to us from Seoul, the cultural center of South Korea.

Lee is a first-year TCC student who plans to continue on to FSU to study Editing, Writing, and Media. For her English class, Lee decided to write, perform, and recorded an original song about Rosa Parks.

“I wanted to describe my thoughts creatively and personally using my language. Since I enjoy writing lyrics and songs, I chose the method of songwriting,” Lee said.

“While I was searching for historical events that occurred in Florida, I found the bus boycott. And Rosa Parks was a person who had a historical cognition, considering the influence of one’s action on the future, influencing people with her brave acts, and spoke her thoughts using her language. And I decided to write and record a song about her.”

Lee said she thought it is important to recognize Rosa Parks’ legacy.

Recognizing ourselves, as an individual, living inside history helps develop our personal life. And this personal life of those who willingly hand a part of their heart and remind us about our laziness in consideration, justice, and caring becomes a legacy,” Lee said. “And when this legacy gathers, it makes history. This cycle will eventually lead to a better world. And I think it is valuable to recognize the legacy of Rosa Parks because she is the one who did all that.

Lee said she heard that race relation in the U.S. are better than they used to be, but they definitely are not as good as they should be.

“I highly related to the words that any time in history, humans are trouble,” Lee said. “It may be dishonorable, but it is necessary to recognize and find out if we have an opportunity to stop killing each other for these superficial reasons.”

“There is still a long way to go for our humankind. We all have different philosophies and lifestyles. And every single person has dignity. But we still tend to judge by its cover, color, race, and different cultures. Once again, I feel that we should cut off the laziness in those parts of consideration, justice, and caring for a better future.”

After playing it again and again, this writer can totally endorse and encourage any and everyone to go give it a listen! It has an elegant sound that will make you fall in love upon first listen, and hopefully subscribe to this new artist in the hopes that this will show Miss Jiwoon Lee that she has an audience that wants to hear her.

Rosa by Jiwoon Lee

When I wake up in the morning
Have to make a decision
Whether I should believe or not
Those words from the fools
Only race is the human race
But you love to forget my face
Instead of haze of hate that erase our base
I want you to remember my face
I don’t want those exhausting ways of living for my life
Instead I’ll survive and fully love what I’ve found
All the fears will disappear, right?
When you know what you’re doing is right?
You is kind
You is smart
You is important
My dear survive
Our thoughts and deeds will never die
I don’t want those exhausting ways of living for my life
Instead I’ll survive and fully live what I have found

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