By Maryia Kushchava | MMC1100 student

Nicolette Costantino welcomes Creative Writing Club members via Zoom to share their experiences with writing. It is one way to help students feel supported while learning from one another. 

Costantino, who is an associate professor of English, has positively impacted students’ confidence by launching a Creative Writing Club where students can share their work and receive support from each Club member. She started the club with the help of student Joullian Vanpool.

Costantino said she wants her students to recognize the significance of their own work to help boost confidence in their own writing abilities. 

“Whether it’s a theme or a message or you know, some kind of a truth to share that with my students and help them to see the insight and the value of their own writing and just and just the value of the writing process,” Costantino said. “To try to reconstruct that to make them feel supported and encouraged and inspired.”

Roger Jimenez, a Creative Writing Club member, said he feels encouraged to share his writing with other members in the Club. He said that he looks forward to attending the Creative Writing Club. 

“It has also pushed me to just write more knowing that I’m going to have the writing club soon,” Jimenez said. “It refreshes me and makes me think like I want to have something to offer.”

Frank Brown Jr, another member of the Creative Writing Club, said the club has given him the courage to share his work. He said that he feels like he can just freely be himself in the Creative Writing Club. 

“It makes me more confident to share my writing,” Brown said. “When you have a whole bunch of like-minded individuals that are encouraging of each other, it allows you to be a little bit more free and be creative.”

Pictured is Frank Brown Jr, member of the Creative Writing Club

For more information about TCC’s Creative Writing Club, email Nicolette Costantino at