Charis Williams | Opinion

Mental health is something that is finally starting to be taken more seriously. Especially in the Black or Caribbean communities which it never was before. Now parents are really taking necessary precautions due to the seriousness of it.

In these communities’ mental health issues were never taken completely seriously. Parents would ignore the issues at hand or just try to pray it out. Or you would just be considered “crazy”, and no one wants the “crazy” child.

Talking to doctors about your symptoms and being tested could help as well. They could prescribe you medication that would possibly help. It depends on how severe it is. You could also be recommended to speak with a licensed therapist.

People are more open to therapy. Speaking to professionals helps when they are feeling down or anxious. A professional can help direct the emotion into something positive instead having the possibility of spiraling. Spiraling is very unhealthy which could cause a decrease in your mental health.

Sometimes an individual does not always need medication. They just need to learn and figure out different coping mechanisms. Coping strategies could be simple as taking a deep breath, going for a walk, or simply speaking to someone who you feel would truly understand. 

It’s important for people to know like doing annual checkups at doctors, you must constantly check on your mental health. Check your emotional pulse daily. It is fine to admit that you are not ok. If you are struggling with your mental health don’t be ashamed to check out the counseling center here at Tallahassee Community College.

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