By Maryia Kushchava | MMC1100 student Nicolette Costantino welcomes Creative Writing Club members via Zoom to share their experiences with writing. It is one way to help students feel supported while learning from one another.  Costantino, who is an associate professor of English, has positively impacted students’ confidence by launchingContinue Reading

Former Tallahassee Community College basketball player, Tariq Silver had recently declared for the 2022 NBA draft. Silver started his collegiate career with Eastern Michigan University before transferring to TCC for the 2019-2020 season. During his single season with the team, he started 32 games, averaged 12 points per game andContinue Reading

Tallahassee Community College was recently nominated by Excelencia in Education for the 2022 Examples of Excelencia award.  The award recognizes Colleges dedicated to improving the success of Latino students in higher education, according to the Wakulla News article. “Nearly 22 percent of students at TCC self-identify as Hispanic,” said theContinue Reading

By Michael Tuzzolo | Talon Social Media Editor Reamonn Soto lost most of his life savings on his first small business venture.  So when he was contacted to work as a consultant for the Small Business Development Center at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Soto was surprised. He had justContinue Reading

TCC Artists Spotlight- Jiwoon Lee

By Dylan Spradlin Art can be found anywhere, and an artist is in everyone. Today we showcase a new artist, Jiwoon Lee, coming to us from Seoul, the cultural center of South Korea. Lee is a first-year TCC student who plans to continue on to FSU to study Editing, Writing,Continue Reading

Tallahassee Community College’s Forensics Team won its second consecutive national title in the Hindman Division at the Phi Rho Pi National tournament in St. Louis. It is the 22nd consecutive team sweepstakes award for the college.  All six team members advanced to elimination rounds, a feat last accomplished in 2008. Continue Reading

TCC Talon Tunes Spotlight Artist Shyanna Manuel

This TCC Talon Tunes playlist was curated by Shyanna Manuel, a first-year TCC student, originally from Tallahassee, Florida. Manuel intends to use her business degree to open a Soul Food restaurant to share great food and experiences with friends and family.  In her spare time, Manuel enjoys creating new playlistsContinue Reading

Mental Health is Not Taken as Seriously as it Should

By Sarina Francis | Opinion Growing up comes with more responsibilities, new emotions and learning to be more dependent. When I was younger, I didn’t know anything about mental health. I got sad like a regular little kid would over the simplest things, but parents tend to want to shieldContinue Reading